Census 2020



The Regional Statistics Programme (RSP) has traditionally played a coordinating role in the conduct of population and housing censuses in the Region. In support of the 2020 Round of the Census, and within the context of the Regional Strategy for the Development of Statistics, the RSP intends to take advantage of advances in Information and communication technology (ICT) since the last census round, to deliver resources to Member States over the internet, quickly and easily. The RSP intends to establish a secured census web presence which will be accessible only to invited persons where they can access statistical resources relative to the census, such as the Census Strategy, the common census questionnaire, national questionnaires and methodologies and relevant manuals and guidelines. The site will also facilitate networking of statistical issues and concerns, sharing of information and best practices as well as requests for assistance.

There are four main features that the RSP expects to implement on the Census support page:

  1. WhatsApp connectivity
  2. A Facebook Census 2020 page
  3. Videos on YouTube
  4. A blog.