Guidelines and Principles for the Development of Disability Statistics
Estimated Reading Time: 1 MinutesThe present publication, Guidelines and Principles for the Development of Disability Statistics, is one of two recent United Nations reports concerned with the development of statistics and indicators on the situation of persons with disabilities. These reports were prepared in response to the recommendations of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons1 and the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities. In particular, the World Programme of Action urges the Statistics Division together with other units of the United Nations Secretariat, the specialized agencies and regional commissions, to cooperate with the developing countries in evolving a realistic
and practical system of data collection based either on total enumeration or on representative samples, as may be appropriate, in regard to various disabilities, and in particular, to prepare technical manuals/documents on how to use household surveys for the collection of such statistics.
- INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS: United Nations Statistics Department - UNSD