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Methodological Manual for Statistics on the Information Society (Survey Year 2008)

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 Minute

The first manual, which was related to the 2006 survey, was compiled in a joint effort of Eurostat, the NSI's and the OECD. The current version is drawn up as a tool for helping national statistical institutes (NSI) to translate the two Eurostat model questionnaires into national languages and to implement the national surveys following a harmonised methodology. It is a hands-on tool with recommended guidelines and does not replace statistical handbooks. Its main focus is on explanatory notes to the variables and attributes of the model questionnaires for the year 2008.

  • NATIONAL STATISTICAL OFFICES /CENTRAL BANKS: European Statistical Office - RSO- Eurostat
Methodological Manual for Statistics on the Information Society (Survey Year 2008)
  • Attached Files
  • SIS_manual.pdf (1.71 MB) 552

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