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Supervisor's Manual for the CARICOM Common Census Questionnaires of the 2010 Population and Housing Census

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

This Enumerator’s Manual is a comprehensive guide to the field collection aspects of the census activity. It outlines in detail the role and responsibilities of the enumerators, in terms of the procedures involved in the actual enumeration of the members of all households. The manual also gives specific instructions in the form of notes to enumerators with respect to the various questions within the 2010 round of Population and Housing Census questionnaire.

The importance of the Enumerator’s Manual cannot be over emphasized. It is to be used as a practical guide to enumerators and to supervisors. All field staff must be thoroughly familiar with its contents and instructions. 

  • Author of Article: Unknown
Supervisor's Manual for the CARICOM Common Census Questionnaires of the 2010 Population and Housing Census
  • Attached Files
  • Census_Supervisors_Manual.pdf (276.16 KB) 709

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