Compendium of Management Practices for Statistical Organisations from Statistics Canada International Fellowship Program
Estimated Reading Time: 1 MinutesStatistics Canada’s Compendium of Management Practices for Statistical Organizations is a very important and timely contribution to this effort. By focusing on the organisation’s expertise in advancing managerial capacity in the national statistical offices of developing countries, the publication empowers governments to make the right decisions and properly track their progress on SDG and their national statistical development strategy (NSDS) implementation. It addresses central aspects of effective management, such as leadership and co-ordination, quality control, budgeting, external relations and partnerships as well as the integration of best practices and international norms. Advancing national statistical offices in these areas is not only important to improve core competencies and strengthen their role as the national statistical system coordinator but it also creates a foundation to develop human and technical capacities so that new areas of operation can be explored and opportunities from the data revolution leveraged.