Concepts and Methods of Environment Statistics - Human Settlements Statistics

At its twenty-third session, the Statistical Commission of the United Nations requested that a technical manual for the compilation of selected high-priority statistics in the areas of human settlements and natural resources be prepared by the Statistical Office. However, as environment statistics are still at a relatively experimental stage of development, it was deemed more appropriate to present concepts and methods of such statistics as a series of technical reports rather than a manual. The present report deals with the environmental issues of human settlements statistics.

The report is based on the structure and principles of a Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES). In this manner, the environmental aspects of natural resources and human settlements statistics were determined, identifying in particular those social, demographic and economic statistics that should be included in environmental assessments. For most of these statistics, international methodological recommendations are already available and are referred to in the reports where applicable.

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Article ID: 100
Created: October 11, 2021
Last Updated: October 11, 2021

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