The report complements another publication, Concepts and Methods of Environment Statistics: Human Settlements Statistics. Together, the reports cover the whole field of environment statistics as delimited by FDES. By applying the FDES structure and principles to those reports, the environmental aspects of natural resource and human settlements statistics were determined, including related social, demographic and economic statistics.
The major purpose of the technical report series is to propose concepts, definitions and classifications for statistical variables that describe high-priority environmental issues in most countries and that can be compiled by national statistical services in an environment statistics programme. Extensive use of national and international compendia of environment statistics has been made in order to identify those concepts, definitions, classifications and data sources which are most widely applied. The statistical variables identified in this manner are therefore likely to reflect typical data needs of planners, policy makers and administrators in environmental and related socio-economic fields.
Article ID: 101
Created: October 11, 2021
Last Updated: October 11, 2021
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