Manual for the Production of Statistics on the Information Economy 2009

The UN Statistical Commission encouraged countries to use that list in their data collection programmes and a first version of the Manual for the Production of Statistics on the Information Economy was published at the end of 2007. UNCTAD prepared this Manual to guide statisticians from
developing countries in all steps involved in the production and dissemination of business ICT statistics.

The Manual for the Production of Statistics on the Information Economy has been prepared for the benefit of statistical agencies, in particular in developing and transition economies.1 It is directed towards those staff that are responsible for producing official statistics on the information economy. The main aim of the Manual is to support the production of information and communication technology (ICT) statistics that are internationally comparable – more specifically, statistics on the ICT sector, ICT trade and use of ICT by businesses.

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Article ID: 114
Created: October 12, 2021
Last Updated: October 12, 2021

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