This Export and Import Price Index (XMPI) Manual replaces the United Nations’ Strategies for Price and Quantity Measurement in External Trade, Series M, No. 66, issued in 1981. The development of the XMPI Manual has been undertaken under the joint responsibility of six organizations—the International Labour Office (ILO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), and World Bank—through the mechanism of an Inter-Secretariat Working Group on Price Statistics (IWGPS). It is published jointly by these organizations.
The Manual contains detailed, comprehensive information and explanations for compiling XMPIs. It provides an overview of the conceptual and theoretical issues that statistical offices should consider when making decisions on how to deal with various problems in the daily compilation of XMPIs, and it is intended for use by both developed and developing countries.
Article ID: 97
Created: October 8, 2021
Last Updated: October 8, 2021
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