Introduction to National Accounts
- Data management and Harmonisation, Producing Statistical Reports
- 3 (Registered)

Course Description
Governments need accurate measures of aggregate economic activity for planning purposes. These measures arise from diverse sectors and activities. The system of national accounts (SNA, NA or NAS) is a framework and methodology that has been developed and refined for over a century for the systematic measurement of annual performance of national economies. The one of the leading aggregate measure of national economic performance is the gross national product (GPD). This module presents an overview of the system of national accounts as well as the different approaches used to measure GDP. The course is organized into 4 modules, namely:
Module 1: Overview of System of National Accounts
Module 2: Essential Concepts in National Accounts
Module 3: GDP and its measurement
Module 4: Sequence accounts
Learning Outcomes
The program is split up into 4 Modules and contains 14 sessions. By the end of the program, the national accounts compilers will;
- Have an understanding of the SNA and its uses
- Know the key SNA concepts (production, consumption, stocks, flows, GDP, etc.)
- Be able to calculate GDP using the 3 approaches to its compilation
- Understand the sequence of current and capital accounts
- Basic knowledge of statistics and economic concepts
- This course is adapted from a 4-day workshop conducted by the PRASC project in the Caribbean
Target audiences
- Staff in the National Statistics organisations and System involved in the production, management and dissemination of official data. Staff involved in compilation of National accounts data and computation of sectoral and aggregate GDP.