Our Courses
...designed for the Caribbean statistical community
eCISTAR courses are designed to address a wide range of Caribbean statistical capacity-building needs, from professional statisticians to high-school students being introduced to statistics and data analysis for the 1st time. They cover the spectrum of competences from survey design, data collection and harmonization through to statistical analysis, data visualization, communications and media. The majority of our courses are freely accessed. Just click the Register/Login link in the top menu to create an account, then you can self-enroll in any of our self-paced courses.

Our Partners
...contributing to our long-term sustainability
eCISTAR’s strategic partners support research, statistical capacity-building and knowledge content dissemination for the regional statistical community. They include regional Universities (including, UWI, UTECH, University of Belize) and International Development partners such as UN-ECLAC, PARIS-21, Statistics Canada, and the Italian Statistical Institute)

Our Community
...from aspiring students to professional statisticians
eCISTAR supports a regional community of: Professional statisticians in the National Statistical Officies; Practitioners in the National Statistical System of Caribbean countries including central banks, planning agencies and line ministries; High schools, University students and aspiring statisticians and data scientists

Our Platform
...designed for Caribbean statistical capacity-building needs
View this animated video to learn more about the eCISTAR digital platform: its history, mandate, features, and a hands-on demonstration that illustrates how to use it.
Copy this url into your browser ==> https://bit.ly/eCISTAR-intro
Our Service Philosophy
.. core principles that underpin our approach to service delivery