
Stay Engaged Online!

Stay Engaged Online!

Being engaged is one of the most critical features for success in the online learning environment. As a matter of fact, some may say it is the most important success factor. A well-designed online course that includes interactive content such as quizzes, gamification elements, or simulations can keep you actively engaged as you participate in the teaching and learning process.

Must the poor always be with us?

Must the poor always be with us?

Achieving food and nutrition security is critical for addressing not only hunger and malnutrition but also broader issues such as poverty and sustainable development. It involves ensuring that people can access an affordable and balanced diet, promoting agricultural and food system resilience, and addressing socio-economic factors that impact food access and utilization.

eCISTAR – A new approach to statistical capacity building for the Caribbean

eCISTAR – A new approach to statistical capacity building for the Caribbean

eCISTAR – Electronic Caribbean Institute for Statistical Training and Research– is an idea whose time has come. The concept of eCISTAR as a mechanism for the sustainable statistical capacity-building has been around for a long time. Its genesis originated in the early 1980’s as CISTAR – efforts by the Standing Committee of Caribbean Statisticians (SCCS) to establish a physical Caribbean Institute for Statistical Training and Research.