Statistical Domains

Economic Satistics

Economic Satistics

Includes Macroeconomic Statistics and Indicators, National Accounts, Government Finance, Business Statistics, Sectoral Statistics, Trade, prices and Balance of Payments statistics and labour costs.
Demographic and Social Statistics

Demographic and Social Statistics

Includes population, household, housing, Migration and Citizenship, justice and crime, Labor, Time Use, Income and Consumption, Education and Health
Statistical infrastructure and methodology

Statistical infrastructure and methodology

Includes Metadata, Classifications, data sources, processing, storage, harmonisation, sharing and data analysis
Strategic and Managerial Activities

Strategic and Managerial Activities

Iincludes Institutional Frameworks and Principles, coordination and performance of statistics systems and offices, technology and other resources.
Multi-Domain Statistics

Multi-Domain Statistics

Includes Regional and Small Area Statistics, Sustainable Development Goals indicators, Gender Concerns and Special Population Groups.
Environment Statistics

Environment Statistics

Includes Environmental resources and their use, Hazardous events and disasters, Human settlements and environmental health, Environmental protection, management and engagement